
Hosiden Working Results

Material Flow

Hosiden group is trying hard to reduce the environmental impact caused by business activities,
by understanding the input data of consumption in resources and energies, and the output data of the
CO2 emission and the amount of the final disposal.

Material Flow of Hosiden Corporation Global Group in fiscal 2023

Material Flow of Hosiden Corporation Global Group in fiscal 2021

Result of Preventing Global Warming

Change of energy consumption of Hosiden Group

Change of energy consumption of Hosiden Group

The above graph shows changes in the total energy consumption of the Hosiden Group, which is converted
into crude oil for electricity and fuel consumption.

Effect of reducing CO2

Examples of approaches

Hosiden Group joined the Commitment to a Low-carbon Society Plan
(renamed as the Carbon Neutrality Action Plan in the fiscal year 2021) hosted by the Japanese electrical and electronics industry
in the fiscal year 2016 and has been actively working towards improving energy efficiency in line with its industry's goals.
Specifically, we are promoting efforts to achieve an average annual improvement rate of 1% or more in energy consumption
per unit of production, as well as a challenging goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 46% from FY2013 level by the end of FY2030.           Emissions reduction target: 46% reduction from FY2013 level by the end of FY2030.
We regard CO2 emission reduction as an activity in which all employees participate, and we are promoting the replacement
of equipment with those that emit less CO2. In addition,
we are promoting energy conservation in familiar areas, such as proper management of air conditioning temperatures,
use of LED lighting, shutdown of unnecessary lighting and equipment, reduction of company cars, and promotion of "stop idling".
We are also promoting energy conservation through the following measures.


Transition of total CO2 emissions and transition of base year rate of change.

Effect of reducing CO2


The above graph shows the change in total CO2 emissions of Hosiden Group and the comparison to the base year
(fiscal year 2013), calculated by converting electricity and fuel consumption into carbon dioxide equivalent.



Transition of CO2 intensity (sales) and transition of base year rate of change.

Effect of reducing CO2


The above graph shows the change in unit CO2 emissions (net sales) (total CO2 emissions divided by net sales)
and the comparison to the base year (compared to fiscal year 2013).

Since the fiscal year 2022, the data of CO2 emission coefficients for bases that refer to location-based standards
has been sourced from the International Energy Agency (IEA)

Hosiden will continue to work on further energy conservation to prevent global warming.

Change of waste in Hosiden Group

Change of waste in Hosiden Group

                                  The graph above shouws the transition of the waste of the Hosiden Group.